Customer Service

For support, please contact us at info@drileswim.com.

We have several different payment methods. For example, you can pay by card, you can pay bay PayPal. But if you want to pay via PayPal you don't need to have a PayPal account to make your payment, follow the steps that are indicated on the PayPal secure payment page. If you have a PayPal account, you can make the payment directly from your account.



All orders in the European Union will be processed and shipped within 4-5 business days. Worldwide orders 4-9 business days. Orders placed on weekends or national holidays will be processed and shipped the next available business day.

Shipping costs for sales only:

Free shipping in Spain on orders over 60€.

Free worldwide shipping on orders over 150€.

Express shipping 19.90€ , if you want it to arrive sooner ;) 


Return/ Refund Policy

Drile Swim has a 15-day return policy: you have 15 days from when your order is delivered to ship it back to our studio for a refund or exchange.

We accept only if the purchase was made in the online store Drileswim.com

Items must be in the original condition, unworn with the original packaging, tags and hygienic liner (swim).

The refund will never include the return shipping costs.

To proceed with a return please email us at info@drileswim.com with subject RETURN.

Unfortunately we are unable to exchange goods. If you would like to change your purchase please return your item and place another order online.

If you need any further information, you can send an email to info@drileswim.com

Archive Sale

All purchases made from Archive Sale are final. No exchanges or returns will be accepted.


Privacy Policy

None of the personal data you provide us will be shared with third parties. The contact information that you have provided can be used to send you our newsletter, news and offers that may be of interest to you.